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roseclaw's second attempt BY


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Dave Williams
On 2/18/2020 at 12:56 PM, roseclaw said:

Do dead birds count? Asking for a friend... who is me.


Depends how dead they are really, 


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Dave Williams

Very envious of the Scoter shots, how did you get so close? Here in North Wales we have hundreds overwintering off shore but they never get closer than 100m or so.

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@Dave Williams How about dead within an hour and not nailed to a perch?


The scoters were varying distances. The white-winged was about 100m out, but the others were fairly close to shore, no more than 10m out. Surf scoters are called that for a reason! :) But even the black scoters were in the surf, which makes for difficult photography. I have so many photos of duck parts cut off by a wave.



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66. (female) blue-black grassquit Muyil, QR, Mexico 2/13



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I love toucans - jealous :P

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@TonyQ Still have about 30 species more to post! Don't worry. :) I'm still part way through the first day.

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76. Black-cowled oriole Muyil, QR, Mexico 2/13




77. Hooded Oriole Muyil, QR, Mexico 2/13




78. Orange Oriole Muyil, QR, Mexico 2/13





79. Altamira Oriole Muyil, QR, Mexico 2/13




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80. Tropical Mockingbird Muyil, QR, Mexico 2/13




A more typical pose



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Nice Oriole sequence 

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enjoyed that lovely Oriole list. 

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