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What will almost certainly be a quiet little year - Soukous 2019


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#226 - Purple Swamphen - Porphyrio porphyrio

Keoladeo Ghana / Bharatpur, India. Nov 2019


Purple Swamphen


Purple Swamphen


Purple Swamphen


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#227 - Indian Pond Heron - Ardeola grayii

Keoladeo Ghana / Bharatpur, Indoa. Nov 2019


Indian Pond heron


Indian Pond heron


Indian Pond heron


and another one, from Shahpura this time

Indian Pond Heron


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#228 - Common or Eurasian Hoopoe - Upupa epops

Keoladeo Ghana / Bharatpur, India. Nov 2019


Common/Eurasian Hoopoe


Common/Eurasian Hoopoe


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#229 - Grey Wagtail - Motacilla cinerea

Keoladeo Ghana / Bharatpur, India. Nov 2019


Grey Wagtail


Grey Wagtail


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#230 - Lesser Whistling-ducks - Dendrocygna javanica

Keoladeo Ghana / Bharatpur, India. Nov 2019


Lesser Whistling Ducks


Lesser Whistling Ducks



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#231 - Little Cormorant - Phalacrocorax niger 

Keoladeo Ghana / Bharatpur, India. Nov 2019


Little Cormorant


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Maybe not as many as you have hoped for, but still enough to get you ver the #300, @Soukous.


Martin, a technical question: it looks like you have had plenty of sun yet some of the photos looks grainy? Any specific reason for this (asking to prepare myself for India next year ... but you know that already :)).

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53 minutes ago, xelas said:

Maybe not as many as you have hoped for, but still enough to get you ver the #300, @Soukous.


Martin, a technical question: it looks like you have had plenty of sun yet some of the photos looks grainy? Any specific reason for this (asking to prepare myself for India next year ... but you know that already :)).


If only that was true. I listed 128 species, but did not get photos of them all; and some are duplicates of birds seen in UK and Africa. :(


There are 2 main reasons for the grainy photos; most common one was high ISO. Yes there was hazy sunshine, but several birds were in deep shadow amongst bushes so the ISO cranked up.

The other reason is huge cropping. Some birds were far away and only about 5% of the shot, when I cropped a lot of noise came with it. This was partly due to the fact that the air was not very clean.

Luckily for next year, Madame Soukous was in and around Goa while I was in the north and the air there was clear.

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#232 - Purple Heron - Ardea pupurea

Keoladeo Ghana / Bharatpur, India. Nov 2019


Purple Heron


Purple Heron


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#233 - Pied Bushchat - Saxicola caprata

Keoladeo Ghana / Bharatpur, India. Nov 2019


Pied Bushchat


Pied Bushchat


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#234 - Red-vented Bulbul - Pycnonotus cafer

Seen in Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh & Madhya Pradesh. Nov 2019


Red-vented Bulbul


Red-vented Bulbul


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#235 - Painted Stork - Mycteria leucocephala

Keoladeo Ghana / Bharatpur, India. Nov 2019


painted Stork


painted Stork



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#236 -  Oriental Darter - Anhinga melanogaster

Keoladeo Ghana / Bharatpur, India. Nov 2019


Oriental Darter


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#237 - Indian Silverbill - Euodice malabarica

Keoladeo Ghana / Bharatpur, India. Nov 2019


Indian Silverbill


Kuno Palpur

Indian Silverbill


Indian Silverbill


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#238 -  Spotted Owlet - Athene brama

Keoladeo Ghana / Bharatpur, Ranthambhore, Shahpura


Spotted Owlet


Spotted Owlet


Spotted Owlet


Spotted Owlet


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#239 -  Sarus Crane - Grus antigone

Keoladeo Ghana / Bharatpur, India. Nov 2019


Sarus Crane


Sarus Crane


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#240 -  Purple Sunbird - Cinnyris asiaticus. all males in eclipse plumage.

Keoladeo Ghana / Bharatpur, India. Nov 2019.


Purple Sunbird - m - eclipse plumage


and Ranthambhore

Purple Sunbird - m - eclipse plumage


Purple Sunbird - m - eclipse plumage



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#241 - Striated Heron - Butorides striata

Keoladeo Ghana / Bharatpur, India. Nov 2019


Little Bittern


Little Bittern


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#242 - Indian Robin - Saxicoloides fulicatus

Keoladeo Ghana / Bharatpur, India. Nov 2019


Indian Robin


Indian Robin


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#243 - House Crow - Corvus splendens

Agra, India. Nov 2019


House Crow


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Love the Sarus crane, what a majestic bird.

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#244 - Common Myna - Acridotheres tristis

Keoladeo Ghana / Bharatpur, India. Nov 2019


Common Myna


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#245 - Black-necked Stork - Ephippiorhynchus asiaticus

Keoladeo Ghana / Bharatpur, India. Nov 2019


Black-necked Stork


Black-necked Stork


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# 246 - Asian Pied Starling - Gracupica contra

Keoladeo Ghana / Bharatpur, India. Nov 2019


Asian Pied Starling


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#247 - Asian Openbill - Anastomus oscitans

Keoladeo Ghana / Bharatpur, India. Nov 2019


Asian Openbill


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