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Western Cape 2018: New Year with Friends and Birds


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After the lunch we have had another hour to slowly return to the car. And we did so, taking a couple more photos along the way.


The Poser (Rock Dove)



The Model



The Cute


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Our two nights and one full day at Franschhoek were spent well, giving us a different experience one that is not always associated with safari; but then, this whole trip was not much of a safari type anyway. As we have returned towards coast using the Franschhoek Pass again I cannot compare it to another wine capital, Stellenbosch, yet Franschhoek surely delivers, also with some unexpected sights.


Are we in La Provance?!



Good Bye, Franschhoek!


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Post #101 is very funny.

Thanks for making me smile :)


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Peter Connan

No visit to the Franschoek Motor Museam? You will definitely have to come back again!


Stunning photos of the birds and other denizens of the gardens.

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3 hours ago, Peter Connan said:

No visit to the Franschoek Motor Museam?


I have only found it on our way back from Babylonstoren and it was already closed. Next time then.

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Last 4 nights/days we have spent in Cape Town. Not in the town itself. In fact we have not seen Cape Town at all!! Not even the Table Mountain. Just not enough time but alas, there is always next time to do so.


From Franschhoek some gravel and some tarred roads took us back to the Atlantic Ocean, a few kilometers before the turn off to the Rooisand Bird Hide, and as it was early we have decided to pay it a visit. What a difference on the parking lot; it was almost filled with cars and groups of serious birders have been discussing something important. Asking for the reason I have been notified that a rare event is going on, and that we should better hurry to the hide to catch it if lucky. So we did just that. And what did we found?! A Pied Wagtail stopped on its way, and every twitcher between Cape Town and Jo'burg was trying to get a glimps of the bird, and to tick it off. Well, they should come to Slovenia, plenty of those birds around ...


Take Me Home, Country Roads



Steppe Eagle Forrest Buzzard on the pole (6 years later but never too late to correct ID)



Cape Wagtail with its rare cousin, Pied Wagtail



The most famous bird in South Africa in January 2018



This Black-winged Stilts did not get any attention



Edited by xelas
Bird ID correction
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Next stop on our road to home was a no-brainer; Harold Porter Botanical Garden deserves a visit every time one is passing it. The weather/wind situation was much calmer then on our first visit so I was hoping for a good day of bird photography. Well, it was entirely my fault that we have started with birding too late! At the restaurant while Zvezda was away I have started a conversation with two local guys, over photo equipment. This has extended into a lengthy discussion over photography, fly fishing, and trucking! It happens way too many times to me that I got involved (voluntarily) into discussions that lasts longer then Zvezda would be comfortable with :huh:; on the other hand such impromptu meetings have ended in several lasting friendships so there is some positives there.


We did not have anymore that much time to explore all the paths in the garden yet we did get some nice birds for our collection and Big Year (not to mention a great advice about an affordable lodge in Okavango area :lol:).


Spotted Flycatcher



Cape Batis



Klaas's Cuckoo




Prolific were the sunbirds, feeding on flowers:


Malachite Sunbird



Southern Double-collared Sunbird



Orange-breasted Sunbird




Last leg of this full day drive put us on the Clarence Drive, this time on the right side of the road and in the right direction. Indeed a very scenic drive, with great scenery on both sides of the road. If only there will be also whales in the ocean ...


Looking toward Betty's Bay ...



... and looking towards Cape Town




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Our first full day in Cape Town we have started with birding at Strandfontein Sewer Works. I would never know for this place if not described in details in @Peter Connan's short trip report http://safaritalk.net/topic/16057-birding-hotspot-strandfontein/ . His is a very detailed description of this place and if going that way, do read it. Already Peter mentioned that for safety reasons, it is best to visit it during the weekend, and accompanied by others, best if they would be local birders.

And we knew exactly whom to ask, to return a favour . In 2016, we have shared our guide Samson with a group of Capetowners ( http://safaritalk.net/topic/16989-kruger-2016-new-park-new-birds-new-friends/ ); at the end of the day they have invited us to meet them when and if we will ever be in Cape Town. Little did they know I am always remembering such invitations . So within a couple of emails all was set up to meet with Fran & Eric and John & Sherlayne. Ladies have stayed home, while Eric and John took us in their car into Strandfontein, where they are regular visitors. Water ponds are the main attraction, and as such we have concentrated our efforts on water birds:


Red-billed Duck



Great White Pelican



Hottentot Teal



Cape Teal




Edited by xelas
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After Strandfontein they took us to nearby Rondevlei Nature Reserve. This one is a dedicated Nature Reserve. Parking lot, and the whole reserve is behind the fence, so there are no safety risks there. At the entry gate we have been told that the water level is very low and birding is slow, and they thus this time the entry was free of charge. There are sevarl bird hides on this property, Google Maps satellite photo shows 5 of them. We have visited 2, and despite low water level we did get a couple of nice photos:


Bird hide



Glossy Ibis



African Snipe



Cape Shoveler



Malachite Kingfisher … far away




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After the birding part, Fran and Eric invited us for a lunch. First we have stopped at their lovely house at one of the suburbs, then we went to Kalk Bay, the coastal area where seaside tourism started many years ago. They knew for a restaurant with great views over the ocean, and we spent following hour(s) in exchanging our travel and birding stories.


The Brass Bell Restaurant & Bar



Outside of the restaurant



Muizenberg beach from Boyers Drive






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Thanks to Peter we have been invited to share Elsa Hoffmann's studio apartment. Elsa is a professional photographer, and yes, the studio apartment is indeed doubling as a studio. With many great photos on its walls. Elsa is into a very specific branch of photography, so best is to visit her web site: http://www.elsa.co.za/people/boudoir/ . Of course I have volunteered to help her with flashes and strobes etc but unfortunately the waiting list was longer then my available time :D.


Staying with Elsa was same as staying at home. And that is not only saying. She shared the whole house, including the fridge and the pets and the views with us; we have used way too much of her time but I have a feeling she was not bothered much.


On this first very long day Elsa asked if we would like to have a braai at her place, and if we mind if she invite some of her friends. Of course we have jumped in the air and only request from our side was that we took care of the food. Thus, when we have returned from Kalk Bay, Elsa gave us a (short) list of items to be bought at nearby mall. Indeed all the invited friends did show up in the evening, all of them very interesting persons, each with its own share of stories and experiences, and although Elsa was initially afraid we might not have enough food for all, it was a great evening. For drinks, it looks like BYO is a way to do also in South Africa; we have first encountered this approach in Australia.


Elsa lives in Marina Da Gama, a community (not gated but supervised entry) around the Sandvlei; even with recent drought there was enough water in the vlei. People living there can use their canoes or boats to go visiting their neighbours! And for someone into bird photography it is a fantastic place to live!



Great Crested Grebe



House on the lake



View from Elsa's deck



Fire in the Braai



Food is waiting





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Peter Connan

Nice shots from Strandvlei and Rondevlei! And that Brass Bell, very scary place in a big storm!


By the way, did you know that @Elsa Hoffmann is also a member here?

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1 hour ago, Peter Connan said:

By the way, did you know that @Elsa Hoffmann is also a member here?


Of course I knew that fact, read her posts, and exchanged a couple of emails with her prior and post our stay at her place. She is a true treasure!!

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Very nice additions, Alex, I especially like that Montagu place, I think I would really enjoy that. Beautiful photo of Betty's Bay!

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10 hours ago, michael-ibk said:

I especially like that Montagu place, I think I would really enjoy that


No doubts that you would (will ??) enjoy it! And thanks for kind words. I hope you will enjoy also the remaining 3 days of our trip report.

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Our second full day in Cape Town was dedicated to meet and have lunch with Dave Gale ( @Davesg ) and his wife.


But before this visit we have had a half day and we drove to Boulders for African Penguins at Boulders Penguin Colony. Boulders is a National Park, and it consist of two major areas:, connected by a wooden boardwalk;

left hand side is dedicated to penguins only, and has two observation platforms, and the right hand side is for people to swim. The narrow area that follows the coast is all protected.




Almost immediately behind the entry gate there were penguins roaming through vegetation, and there were many half-burried plastic cannisters which buffeled me on the first sight. Only after seeing that some were still occupied (by late sleepers) I have realised these are night rooms for penguins :o.


Still a little sleepy



Looks like a Japanese motel room



Which one is my room number :huh:





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During the day most of them wander towards the sandy beach where they enjoy the day either by relaxing in the warm sand or by frolicking in the warm (??) waters.


Huh, it is a busy day on the beach today :o



Do they have reservations?



Life is beautiful



Beach area view from platform on the left ...



... and platform on the right.



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No, we have not forgotten also other birds B).


African (Black) Oystercatcher



Swift Tern



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After exiting this main penguin area, there is a wooden boardwalk that follows the coastline. Don't throw your ticket away as it is valid also to get down to the beach. This is where visitors are allowed to enter the water, and penguins are sometimes brave enough to come really close to humans.


The pathway connecting the two gates to Boulders National Park





Secluded beach amoung huge rock boulders




Main beach area is very protected, and as such perfect for young kids (and others) to enjoy in the ocean.





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As much as "walking with penguins" were nice, the real attraction of this day was having a lunch with Dave and his wife Pippa! The idea of meeting with Dave was born when I have read his first trip report here on Safaritalk and grew stronger with reading his other reports. After exchanging a few emails our visit to their home was quickly arranged. What to say about these two extraordinary persons?! I was that impressed that I have even forgot to take the usual photo of us together. So instead of this I am posting the link to heir blog: http://stuckinthemud.co.za/ . Dave and Pippa, thank you again for your warm welcome into your home! We have enjoyed talking with you two very much, and hopefully, we will join you on one of your travels in the future!

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what great and enjoyable additions since I last caught up. as expected, the photos by yourself and Zvezda are just amazing. 

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Elsa Hoffmann

@xelas  Meeting you guys - the pleasure was all mine - we had a wonderful time. 

oooops - I see I wrote the above and never hit the Submit replay button haha - sorry Alex :)


I am really trying to make my garden into an even better birding spot - having counted and photographed more than 55 species..... Can you believe that?
You guys will just have to come back. 


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17 minutes ago, Elsa Hoffmann said:

You guys will just have to come back. 


Elsa, you can count on this will happen, and soon! Now, what about my application for a part-time job at your studio ;)?

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Elsa Hoffmann

@xelas Application turned down :lol:



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4 minutes ago, Elsa Hoffmann said:

@xelas Application turned down :lol:




I sense a foul play behind, a conspiracy of a sort :blink: ... but we will discuss this on our next visit :D.

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