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TonyQ Big Year 2018 (The Third)


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93.G83. Lesser Black-backed Gull  Larus fuscus                  


Tanji    18.01.2018

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94.G84. Little Weaver  Ploceus luteolus                    


Marakissa        17.01.2018


You can see the size difference with the out of focus Village Weaver (yellow head)

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95.G85. Little Egret  Egretta garzetta            


Marakissa        17.01.2018

Edited by TonyQ
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96.G86. Little Grebe  Tachybaptus ruficollis  


Kotu     13.01.2018

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97.G87. Little Greenbul  Andropadus virens              


Abuko Forest   14.01.2018

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98.G88. Little Swift  Apus affinis

Two rubbish photos                   


Showing shape, especially of the tail, and white throat, Kotu     13.01.2018


Showing the white rump  patch, Kotu     13.01.2018

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99.G89. Little Tern  Sterna albifrons  


Pirang Forest  15.01.2018

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And I messed with the alphabetic order so this one could be No.100.


100.G90. Little Bee-eater  Merops pusillus    


Kotu     13.01.2018


Kotu     13.01.2018


Kotu     13.01.2018


Kotu     13.01.2018 


Looking a bit smoother, Mandina Lodge           21.01.2018

A really lovely little bird

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More great photos.

Congratulations on hitting the ton. More!!

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I last saw your numbers on page 3 but you are now on page 7! but i think i just fell in love - with the blue bellied roller. 


and now you've reached a 100 with the beautiful little bee-eater. congrats!

Edited by Kitsafari
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101.G91. Lizard Buzzard  Kaupifalco monogrammicus                     


Marakissa        17.01.2018


Dropped to the ground, but left without prey, Marakissa        17.01.2018

We saw a few of these during our trip.

Edited by TonyQ
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102.G92. Long-crested Eagle   Lophaetus occipitalis            


Pirang Forest  15.01.2018


Pirang Forest  15.01.2018

The only one we saw

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103.G93. Long-tailed Cormorant  Phalacrocorax africanus               


Kotu     16.01.2018


Mandina Lodge           21.01.2018


With a very distinctive red eye

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104.G94. Long-tailed Glossy Starling   Lamprotornis caudatus                     


Kairaba Hotel  17.01.2018


Kairaba Hotel  17.01.2018

Some of the Glossy Starlings are difficult - but not this one

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105.G95.Long-tailed Nightjar  Caprimulgus climacurus                     


Brufut  18.01.2018


Brufut  18.01.2018

Local guides know where these sleep during the day. In the undergrowth, well disguised in the ead leaves.

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106.G96. Malachite Kingfisher  Alcedo cristata                     


A little jewel of a bird, Kotu     16.01.2018


Mandina Lodge           21.01.2018


Mandina Lodge           21.01.2018

Edited by TonyQ
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107.G97. Namaqua Dove  Oena capensis                


(f, on left) Pirang Forest  15.01.2018


(m) Kartong           22.01.2018

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108.G98. Northern Black Flycatcher  Melaenornis edolioides                       


Kairaba Hotel  19.01.2018


Kairaba Hotel  19.01.2018


Possibly the same individual bird that @Dave Williams photographed and posted!

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109.G99. Orange-cheeked Waxbill  Estrilda melpoda                       


Pirang Forest  15.01.2018

Taken through a lot of long grass - attempt at manual focus (and this was the best:))

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110.G100. Osprey  Pandion haliaetus

As this is No.100 for The Gambia, I have put in a sequence, taken from a trip on the river in a small boat.


Mandina Lodge           21.01.2018


Mandina Lodge           21.01.2018


Mandina Lodge           21.01.2018


missed the fish, Mandina Lodge           21.01.2018


Osprey are pretty common in The Gambia,with much closer sightings thanI have had in the UK. We saw them on 5 days in different locations




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Dave Williams

Cracking Osprey and a shame it missed!

 I see you had the same problem as me with the Orange-cheeked Waxbills as I did. In this circumstance back focus button doesn't help too much unless you can hold your setup rock steady but manual focus is also impossible with a longer lens . I gave up!

Yes, almost definitely the same Flycatcher, I wonder what else!

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