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Serengeti finally done right! the Asilia way, with "the big cats that roam" the Namiri Plains; Cheetah on demand and friends bitten by that Africa bug


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You like Namiri better than Ndutu? Now that's a place that just got into my list :blink::D

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@@johnkok - easily Namiri over Ndutu


Also, cheetah everywhere .......... More Lions than at Ndutu and amazing landscapes. :) (no crowds at all)


For Leopard you'd have to make the drive out to the Seronera valley - we did not want to go there! too crowded......


If you really have the time - I suppose, you could go all the way down to Naabi gate? Again, we didn't venture that far as there was far too much to see and do at our doorstep. Honestly, anything under 5 nights won't do Namiri any justice.

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On 11/5/2015 at 4:57 AM, madaboutcheetah said:

@@johnkok - easily Namiri over Ndutu


Also, cheetah everywhere .......... More Lions than at Ndutu and amazing landscapes. :) (no crowds at all)


Honestly, anything under 5 nights won't do Namiri any justice.


Now you have me salivating. "Sadly", we've already booked 8 nights in Ndutu next Feb, and in May we're going to the Galapagos.

2017 then! But was strongly strongly suggesting Chad. Ohhh - what to do? What to do?

A nice "problem" to have - being spoilt for choice


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Great read and even better photos but most of all, thanks for all the critical details (like how far from Sero etc). Been aware of this corner of the the park for a while but couldnt really work out times and just how good it is was in terms of game.

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Thanks so much everyone for all the kind comments and interest in this report - This would be the last series of images from Namiri (Phew!!! ;) )

Here's Abigale and her two cubs ......


Last photo is of a section of Namiri Camp (Dining tent) .....











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Awesome Cheetah portraits @@madaboutcheetah - I particularly like the second black-and-white one.

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Lots of amazing images, but these two are particularly great. Together, they really typify both "sides" of being a predator.

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I was at Namiri in mid-October for 5 nights and I'm returning in early March which tells its own story. As Hari says there are lots of lions and cheetahs (there was a mother around the Semetu Kopies area with four 10 month old cubs we saw every day). It is very dry in October and to game other than the aforementioned cats, Thommies and Grants gazelle you have to head towards Seronera. However, if you're happy spending time with cats its great.


Here's a pic of the newer cubs of Semetu Pride:






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Hmm, seems I need practice with the image posting - it has made it much darker and far more 'brown' :(​​

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Hi there - just saw this. Brilliant image!!!!

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On 11/12/2015 at 5:09 PM, Hammer_of_the_Gods said:

Hmm, seems I need practice with the image posting - it has made it much darker and far more 'brown' :(


You're not alone. I can see an image I posted (on the web on ST) and I can have the same image on my monitor (using whatever software/app) and I can clearly see that they are different. Most frustratingly, image acuity (sharpness) goes down (like it was not as sharply focused as it really was). Also, colour can go a little awry.


So - welcome to the (my) club. I can see many postings from many others ( @@pault, etc) are crisp and clear. Maybe it's because they shoot Canons :rolleyes::P

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On 11/15/2015 at 11:01 AM, johnkok said:


On 11/12/2015 at 5:09 PM, Hammer_of_the_Gods said:

Hmm, seems I need practice with the image posting - it has made it much darker and far more 'brown' :(


You're not alone. I can see an image I posted (on the web on ST) and I can have the same image on my monitor (using whatever software/app) and I can clearly see that they are different. Most frustratingly, image acuity (sharpness) goes down (like it was not as sharply focused as it really was). Also, colour can go a little awry.


So - welcome to the (my) club. I can see many postings from many others (@@pault, etc) are crisp and clear. Maybe it's because they shoot Canons :rolleyes::P



It's probably because we are obsessive and have settings that we use for the web @@johnkok I use Sony too remember. Actually, I too see differences in my shots - but fortunately only a few shots look much different..

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It's probably because we are obsessive and have settings that we use for the web @@johnkok


I knew it! It's the secret sauce B)

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:) I shoot Canon! I initially thought it was because it was being compressed but the colours have changed also. Is there an thread on how best to post imbedded images? Is it something to do with the colour profile perhaps?

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For the record, opening the .CR2 file directly from Lightroom into PS gave the resulting jpeg a colour profile of Prophoto RGB. Exporting from Lightroom with sRGB and then opening with PS retained the sRGB profile. the browser and\or forum software obviously doesn't like the Prophoto profile much. So here's how the cub photo looks like (well, almost) on my screen, far less muddy. :)







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Hammer of the gods, would love to hear about your dry season experience at namiri

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@@madaboutcheetah I"m at post #101 - that blue sky background is a perfect foil to the lions. the last shot of the male lion reminded me so much of a NatGeo master photo.

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Your photos are so outstanding that you outdo even yourself. I can't wait to see more of your trip reports in the future.

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@@Kitsafari and @@optig - you guys are far too kind and generous with your comments. Thank you!!!


@@Hammer_of_the_Gods - sorry forgot to properly tag you the other day..... If you see this, would love a mini-report/more photos from your trip when time permits. Thanks

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Great report Hari! In posts 101 and 118 the shots of the male lion almost look like they were taken from ground level (not from slightly above if you were in a vehicle). Were you on foot or in a hide?

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Hi there @@PT123 - the lioness? She was on a kopje

male lion - nope from the front seat again. Not sure why you'd think they were from the ground - perhaps the 500mm F4 warranted being a bit further away from the Lion creating that impression? That's my best guess...... :)

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I guess being in the front seat gives a different viewing angle than I get sitting in the bleachers!

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It's a lower angle from the front

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