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Tom Kellie

~ One lives and learns...in this case how unobservant and unaware of a safari visitor I've been.


The list of twelve bird species observed and photographed included the following:


             10.  Necrosyrtes monachus Hooded Vulture  (IUCN Critically Endangered Species)


What I hadn't realized was explained in an overnight email from Mrs. Lynn Ross, the co-proprietor of Ndzhaka and Buffelshoek Camps.


The mahogany table where I placidly sat with camera and lens, observing birds, is situated on a small deck beneath an immense spreading tree.


Mrs. Ross noted that the tree is a venerable jackalberry. For years, Necrosyrtes monachus, Hooded Vultures, have maintained a nest on top of the jackalberry, raising broods.


Now I understand how it happened that I observed frequent overhead passes of Hooded Vultures.


This lets me know that it's high time that I literally up my game to be more closely attentive to my immediate surroundings in safari camps.


Attached is an image of the mahogany table, the 400mm lens on the deck, and the jackalberry tree behind.


          Tom K.




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Tom Kellie



Leopardess in Tall Grass



Taken on 1 July, 2023 at 4:41 pm in Manyeleti Game Reserve, Ndzhaka Camp, using an EOS 1D X camera with an EF 400mm f/2.8L IS II super-telephoto lens


ISO 1000, f/2.8, 1/1600 sec., handheld Manual shooting mode seated in a safari vehicle in late afternoon limited light




~ Following a productive afternoon of photographing birds in Ndzhaka Camp, the afternoon game drive promised to be a restful venture.


As it happened, that wasn't at all the case as a young leopardess appeared in tall grass, her striking loveliness surpassing all superlatives.
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Tom Kellie



Dusk Silhouette



Taken on 1 July, 2023 at 5:51 pm in Manyeleti Game Reserve, Ndzhaka Camp, using an EOS 1D X camera with an EF 400mm f/2.8L IS II super-telephoto lens


ISO 1000, f/2.8, 1/80 sec., handheld Manual shooting mode seated in a safari vehicle in limited evening light




~ When the day's second game drive was over, we paused by a large pond for light refreshments. The dusk light was a deep shade of red.


A tree silhouette was discernible against the fading rays of reflected sunlight, offering a striking contrast of structure and color tonality.
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Tom Kellie



Nursing Tragelaphus angasi



Taken on 2 July, 2023 at 7:44 pm in Manyeleti Game Reserve, Ndzhaka Camp, using an EOS 1D X camera with an EF 200mm f/2.8L telephoto lens


ISO 1000, f/2.8, 1/1600 sec., handheld Manual shooting mode seated in a safari vehicle in foggy morning light




~ A small family group of Tragelaphus angasi gathered near the track, watched over by a young male. He was protective and inquisitive.


A juvenile male was nursing, watched over by the male. The peaceful family scene stirred memories of what it's like to be with who love one.
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Tom Kellie
Posted (edited)




Powerful Eater



Taken on 2 July, 2023 at 9:34 am in Manyeleti Game Reserve, Ndzhaka Camp, using an EOS 1D X camera with an EF 200mm f/2.8L telephoto lens


ISO 1000, f/6.3, 1/1600 sec., handheld Manual shooting mode seated in a safari vehicle in morning light




~ A few elephants were browsing beside the tract under the watchful gaze of a Fork-tailed Drongo.


This particular elephant relocated to a position immediately adjacent to the safari vehicle.
Edited by Tom Kellie
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Tom Kellie



Female Pair of Kobus ellipsiprymnus



Taken on 2 July, 2023 at 9:55 am in Manyeleti Game Reserve, Ndzhaka Camp, using an EOS 1D X camera with an EF 200mm f/2.8L telephoto lens


ISO 1000, f/6.3, 1/5000 sec., handheld Manual shooting mode seated in a safari vehicle in morning light




~ From time to time on game drives setting enhances subject, as with this pair of female waterbuck.


Their simple grace and loveliness, standing together by a small lake, exemplified the charm of being in Africa.
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Tom Kellie



Prionops plumatus on a Branch



Taken on 2 July, 2023 at 11:08 am in Manyeleti Game Reserve, Ndzhaka Camp, using an EOS 1D X camera with a Zeiss Apo-Sonnar 135mm f/2 telephoto lens


ISO 2500, f/4.5, 1/2500 sec., handheld Manual shooting mode seated at an outdoor table at Ndzhaka Camp




~ The notion of right place, right time was underscored when seated at the mahogany table under the venerable jackalberry tree.


The surrounding shrubbery was laden with insects which attracted an ongoing parade of bird species all posing for the lens.
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Tom Kellie



Writing Game Drive Observation Notes



Taken on 2 July, 2023 at 11:22 am in Manyeleti Game Reserve, Ndzhaka Camp, using an EOS 1D X camera with a Zeiss Apo-Sonnar 135mm f/2 telephoto lens


ISO 2500, f/4.5, 1/3200 sec., handheld Manual shooting mode on the outdoor deck at Ndzhaka Camp




~ Memory being faulty at best, careful notes about game drive sightings are helpful when recalling safari events months or years later.


The outdoor mahogany table under the jackalberry tree served the purpose, being comfortable, quiet, and moderately cool.
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Tom Kellie






Taken on 2 July, 2023 at 4:20 pm in Manyeleti Game Reserve, Ndzhaka Camp, using an EOS 1D X camera with an EF 200mm f/2.8L telephoto lens


ISO 800, f/2.8, 1/1250 sec., handheld Manual shooting mode in a safari vehicle in afternoon light




~ Parked to watch elephants, one pachyderm decided to browse immediately adjacent to the safari vehicle.


The only motion was breathing and the fingertip on the shutter button — such proximity is a rare gift.
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Tom Kellie



Contemplating Eternity



Taken on 2 July, 2023 at 5:12 pm in Manyeleti Game Reserve, Ndzhaka Camp, using an EOS 1D X camera with an EF 200mm f/2.8L telephoto lens


ISO 1250, f/2.8, 1/2500 sec., handheld Manual shooting mode in a safari vehicle in sunset light




~ In a fairly empty grassy plain a large pride of lions was spread out as the Sun was setting.


This lioness and the day's final sunrays evoked thoughts of the infinite nature of eternity.
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Peter Connan

What a lovely shot this last one is Tom! I also really enjoyed the Helmet-shrike.

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Tom Kellie



Distinctive Zebra



Taken on 3 July, 2023 at 6:36 am in Manyeleti Game Reserve, Ndzhaka Camp, using an EOS 1D X camera with an EF 400mm f/2.8L IS II telephoto lens


ISO 4000, f/2.8, 1/640 sec., handheld Manual shooting mode in a safari vehicle in morning light




~ The first game drive on the last full day in Manyeleti began with a close range zebra sighting.


Various distinctive visual features caused this particular zebra to stand out, as well as its calm demeanor.
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Tom Kellie



Upupa africana



Taken on 3 July, 2023 at 2:28 pm in Manyeleti Game Reserve, Ndzhaka Camp, using an EOS 1D X camera with an EF 400mm f/2.8L IS II telephoto lens


ISO 800, f/3.2, 1/8000 sec., handheld Manual shooting mode in a safari vehicle in bright afternoon light




~ Beyond mere confiding, occasionally a bird will go all out and truly put on a show for the lens.


This African Hoopoe held the pose long enough to fiddle with the manual camera settings in order to make this portrait.
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Tom Kellie



Bitis Arietans




Bitis arietans Testing the Air



Taken on 3 July, 2023 at 2:37 pm in Manyeleti Game Reserve, Ndzhaka Camp, using an EOS 1D X camera with an EF 400mm f/2.8L IS II telephoto lens


ISO 800, f/5, 1/8000 sec., handheld Manual shooting mode in a safari vehicle in bright afternoon light




~ In fourteen African safaris this was the only time a venomous snake crossed my path, and only the fourth snake sighting.


Spotting a Puff Adder crossing the track was the most unexpected encounter of the final game drive in Manyeleti.
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Tom Kellie



Fancy Dancer



Taken on 3 July, 2023 at 3:09 pm in Manyeleti Game Reserve, Ndzhaka Camp, using an EOS 1D X camera with an EF 400mm f/2.8L IS II telephoto lens


ISO 800, f/5, 1/2500 sec., handheld Manual shooting mode in a safari vehicle in bright afternoon light




~ We'd gone for days without any warthog sightings. Our final game drive featured a close warthog encounter.


He'd been standing in a pond, covered with red-billed oxpeckers before trotting up to and down the track with unmistakable élan.
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Many thanks @Tom Kelliefor so many great photos which I'm much enjoying.

However I think you should think about putting them all into a Trip Report even if you call it  My Photographic Memories of Manyeleti Game Reserve and just add a brief commentary if that's what suits.

That way all your beautiful photos and the report's there for future readers.

PS I'd be very happy to read a longer commentary if that suits !

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Tom Kellie



Giraffe Quartet



Taken on 3 July, 2023 at 3:54 pm in Manyeleti Game Reserve, Ndzhaka Camp, using an EOS 1D X camera with an EF 400mm f/2.8L IS II telephoto lens


ISO 800, f/5, 1/4000 sec., handheld Manual shooting mode in a safari vehicle in afternoon light




~ Seldom does wildlife seem to cooperate for an ideal image. There's typically some small flaw to spoil an otherwise lovely shot.


These four giraffe did otherwise, lining up, looking at the lens, posing with the savoir-faire of long-experienced catwalk models.
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Tom Kellie



Female Tragelaphus strepsiceros Eating



Taken on 3 July, 2023 at 4:02 pm in Manyeleti Game Reserve, Ndzhaka Camp, using an EOS 1D X camera with an EF 400mm f/2.8L IS II telephoto lens


ISO 800, f/5, 1/1000 sec., handheld Manual shooting mode in a safari vehicle in afternoon light




~ We asked ourselves why this particular female Tragelaphus strepsiceros was seemingly at ease when confronted by a safari vehicle.


Was posing for camera lenses a routine activity most days of the week? Were we, in fact, entertaining during an otherwise drab afternoon?
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Tom Kellie



Crocuta crocuta



Taken on 3 July, 2023 at 5:00 pm in Manyeleti Game Reserve, Ndzhaka Camp, using an EOS 1D X camera with an EF 400mm f/2.8L IS II telephoto lens


ISO 800, f/5, 1/125 sec., handheld Manual shooting mode on the ground during a sundowner break in early evening light




~ This image shows the closest unprotected sighting I've ever had during the course of any game drive.


While drinking tea during a quiet sundowner break this Crocuta crocuta walked up within less than 4 meters.
The stillness of the four of us was interrupted by the soft click of shutter buttons while hearts fluttered within.
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Tom Kellie



Manyeleti Dusk



Taken on 3 July, 2023 at 5:39 pm in Manyeleti Game Reserve, Ndzhaka Camp, using an EOS 1D X camera with an EF 400mm f/2.8L IS II telephoto lens


ISO 2500, f/3.5, 1/320 sec., handheld Manual shooting mode in a safari vehicle in early evening light




~ The very end of the final game drive in Manyeleti, after more than one week of wonderful hospitality and superb sightings.


The rich dusk colors were a chromatic benediction on the taste of natural beauty that we'd savored in northeastern South Africa.
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Tom Kellie



Final Moonrise Over Manyeleti



Taken on 3 July, 2023 at 5:29 pm in Manyeleti Game Reserve, Ndzhaka Camp, using an EOS 1D X camera with an EF 400mm f/2.8L IS II telephoto lens


ISO 2500, f/4, 1/1250 sec., handheld Manual shooting mode in a safari vehicle in early evening light




~ The magnificent mystery of existence was displayed with subtle beauty in the moonrise which concluded our final game drive.


The gift of sight enabled us to appreciate the interplay of light, colors, shadows and forms, a fitting benediction to our safari.
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Tom Kellie





When We Thought It Was Over — Observed on the Departure Drive to Manyeleti Gate



Taken on 4 July, 2023 at 9:29 am and 9:52 am in Manyeleti Game Reserve, Ndzhaka Camp, using an EOS 1D X camera with a Zeiss Distagon 35mm f/2 lens


ISO 800, f/4.5, 1/6400 sec., handheld Manual shooting mode in a taxi in bright morning light




~ We'd checked out of Ndzhaka Camp and were on the track leading to the Manyeleti Gate before going to Hoedspruit Eastgate Airport.


What should come sauntering down but a nonchalant male lion. As if that weren't enough, elephants were present just before Manyeleti Gate
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Tom Kellie



Blue Souvenirs of South Africa at O R Tambo International Airport



Taken on 4 July, 2023 at 6:58 pm in O R Tambo International Airport, using an EOS 1D X camera with a Zeiss Distagon 35mm f/2 lens


ISO 800, f/2, 1/250 sec., handheld Manual shooting mode under indoor lighting in a retail establishment




~ When a safari is over with only the waiting for a departure flight left, a visitor's thoughts turn to colorful reminders of the country which has hosted them.


These vibrant blue souvenirs brought to mind the warm hospitality, kindness, and independent hearts of those who took care of us throughout our stay.
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Tom Kellie



British Airways 193 — A380-800 from London Heathrow to Dallas/Ft Worth



Taken on 5 July, 2023 at 12:38 pm in London Heathrow International Airport, using an EOS 1D X camera with a Zeiss Distagon 35mm f/2 lens


ISO 800, f/4, 1/8000 sec., handheld Manual shooting mode under indoor lighting at an airport window




~ The final segment of the safari to Manyeleti in northeastern South Africa was a transatlantic flight from London Heathrow to Dallas/Ft Worth..


The immense aircraft we were to board was a great contrast from the small living creatures we'd observed and photographed with great joy.
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