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RHINO HEAVEN (Sweetwaters tented camp - Ol Pejeta)


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As you know from my earlier post, Sweetwaters tented camp attracts a lot of Elephant, but the most frequent of the large mammals

to visit Sweetwaters water hole is the Rhino, both black & white, both day & night.

If you do not get to see a Rhino, even on a two or three night stay, you will have been very unfortunate.












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Wow that is awesome! How do humans get that close to them there? Was that a hide that the rhino just couldn't navigate? The resolution on #3, 4, 5 above is insanely good. Very crisp.

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Superb images, expepecially 3 and the shot with the tents in view. Can't wait to get down there in sept 2017.

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Great shots - I'm always happy (and a bit envious) when I see such great rhino pictures because I wish that it was me that was there to take them. ol Pejeta is a great conservancy model. As Amy Batt asked, how did you get so close to the two white rhino in the first image? (Are these the northern white rhino in the endangered species section of the conservancy?)

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Wow that is awesome! How do humans get that close to them there? Was that a hide that the rhino just couldn't navigate? The resolution on #3, 4, 5 above is insanely good. Very crisp.

There is a ditch between you and them. As long as you move slowly & quietly they ignore you. The camp has been there for 30 years plus, so I assume the game has got used to humans.That said, not all the game is that relaxed.

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Great shots - I'm always happy (and a bit envious) when I see such great rhino pictures because I wish that it was me that was there to take them. ol Pejeta is a great conservancy model. As Amy Batt asked, how did you get so close to the two white rhino in the first image? (Are these the northern white rhino in the endangered species section of the conservancy?)

Hi @@PT123. No, the Northern whites have there own enclosure on the conservancy. These two are Black Rhino at the sweetwatres waterhole. I was told they were brought in from Ol Jogi ranch, and are more used to Humans than most. An opportunity one had to make the most of.

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  • they have changed attitude when I was there in 2012 with the northern white guests had to stay in the vehicle

I was there for 3 days , at the camp waterhole it was only zebras,impalas, whathogs etc . the only elephants were after dark and there were no rhinos

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  • they have changed attitude when I was there in 2012 with the northern white guests had to stay in the vehicle
  • I was there for 3 days , at the camp waterhole it was only zebras,impalas, whathogs etc . the only elephants were after dark and there were no rhinos


As Bob Dylan said: "the times they are a changing. You will have to go back for a new experience. :)

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